SKU 1038 Availability DER BLAUFUCHS (The Blue Fox ) (1938) * with switchable English subtitles * Zarah Leander, Willy Birgel and Paul Hörbiger, Viktor Tourjansky Be the first to review this product $14.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Ilona, die gelangweilte Gattin eines leicht zerstreuten Privatdozenten, verliebt sich in dessen Freund Tibor, einen Weltenbummler und Charmeur. Obwohl sie ihn drängt, lässt er sich zunächst nicht auf eine Liaison ein. Er möchte dem Freund nicht weh tun. Erst als der Ehemann seine Zuneigung zu einer Mitarbeiterin offenbart, gibt es ein Happy End für zwei neue Paare. Ilona, the bored wife of an easily distracted professor, falls in love with his friend Tibor, a world-traveler and ladykiller. Although she pursues him, he declines to take advantage of the situation, because she's married to his best friend. Only after her husband shows an interest in a co-worker is it possible for a happy ending to take place for the two new couples. DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH SWITCHABLE ENGLISH SUBTITLES. APPROX. 96 MINS. + 20 MINS. NEWSREEL. EXCELLENT, DIGITAL DVD FILM QUALITY OVERALL. Be the first to review this product Related products DAMALS (Back Then) (1943) * with switchable En... $13.99 DAS HERZ DER KÖNIGIN (The Heart of a Queen) (19... $13.99 DAS LIED DER WÜSTE (1939) $11.99 DIE GROSSE LIEBE (The Great Love) (1942) *with... $13.99 ES WAR EINE RAUSCHENDE BALLNACHT (The Life and... $14.99 HEIMAT (1938) * with switchable English subtitl... $13.99 LA HABANERA (1937) * with switchable English su... $13.99 PREMIERE (1937) * with switchable English and... $13.99 ZU NEUEN UFERN (To New Shores) (1937) *with sw... $13.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought ES WAR EINE RAUSCHENDE BALLNACHT (The Life and... $14.99 PREMIERE (1937) * with switchable English and... $13.99 DAMALS (Back Then) (1943) * with switchable En... $13.99 WUNSCHKONZERT (Request Concert) (1940) * with... $14.99 HEIMAT (1938) * with switchable English subtitl... $13.99 LEISE FLEHEN MEINE LIEDER (Gently My Songs Entr... From $10.99 DIE GROSSE LIEBE (The Great Love) (1942) *with... $13.99 DAS HERZ DER KÖNIGIN (The Heart of a Queen) (19... $13.99 DER WEG INS FREIE (1941) $12.39 ZU NEUEN UFERN (To New Shores) (1937) *with sw... $13.99 IM WEISSEN RÖSSL (1935) * with switchable Eng... $14.99 DESTINY (1921) + MIKAEL (1924) *with Engli... $13.99 CAPRICCIO (1938) * with switchable English su... $13.99 AVE MARIA (1953) * with switchable English su... $13.99 WIR MACHEN MUSIK (We Make Music) (1942) * with... $14.99 TITANIC (1943) * with switchable English subti... $13.99 DER GROSSE KÖNIG (The Great King) (1940) * wit... $14.99 ALLOTRIA (Hokum) (1936) * with or without swit... From $10.99 DAS LIED DER WÜSTE (1939) $11.99 LUISE, KÖNIGIN VON PREUßEN (Luise, Queen of Pru... $13.99 GABRIELA (1950) $11.99 AMPHITRYON (1935) *with switchable English su... $13.99 WAS FRAUEN TRÄUMEN (1933) * with switchable... $13.99 DAS MÄDCHEN JOHANNA (Joan of Arc) (1935) *with... $13.99 FRIEDEMANN BACH (1941) * with switchable Engl... $13.99 < >