SKU 4398 Availability ROBINSON SOLL NICHT STERBEN (1957) * with switchable English subtitles * Josef von Báky Writers: Friedrich Forster-Burggraf (play) (as Friedrich Forster) , Emil Burri, 1 more credit » Stars: Romy Schneider, Horst Buchholz, Erich Ponto Be the first to review this product $13.99 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Daniel Defoe, der Verfasser des Robinson-Buches, erleichtert den Londoner Straßenkindern ihr Fabrik-Schicksal, in dem er Geschichten über die Insel ihrer Sehnsüchte erzählt. Doch sein verschwenderischer Sohn Tom vergrößert die materiellen und seelischen Nöte des Dichters immer mehr. Als Tom den letzten Schatz, die Handschrift des Robison, an sich reißt, geraten die Kinder in großen Aufruhr. Unter Führung von Maud, der besten Freundin Defoes, dringen sie bis zum König vor. Daniel Defoe, author of Robinson Crusoe, tries to provide some distraction to London's destitute children, condemned to a life of misery and long hours in the city's factories, by telling them the tale of the hero of his work. However, his irresponsible son Tom causes the author more and more grief. When Tom steals the manuscript to the great book to pay off his debts, the children are thrown into turmoil. Under the leadership of Maude, Defoe's best friend, they manage to see the king and enlist his help. DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH SWITCHABLE ENGLISH SUBTITLES. APPROX. 93 MINS. LONG. Be the first to review this product Related products SISSI (1955) * with or without switchable Eng... From $9.99 SISSI, DIE JUNGE KAISERIN (1956) * with switc... $13.99 SISSI – SCHICKSALSJAHRE EINER KAISERIN (1957)... $13.99 HERRSCHER OHNE KRONE (King in Shadow) (1956) *... $13.99 BEKENNTNISSE DES HOCHSTAPLERS FELIX KRULL (195... $13.99 MONTPI (1957) * with switchable English subt... $13.99 MÄDCHEN IN UNIFORM (Girls in Uniform) (1958) *... $13.99 CASQUE D'OR (1952) * with switchable English... $13.99 NASSER ASPHALT (Wet Asphalt) (1958) * with swi... $13.99 AUFERSTEHUNG (1958) $9.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought MONTPI (1957) * with switchable English subt... $13.99 3 DVD SET: THE GORKY TRILOGY (1938 - 1940) *w... $35.99 FEUERWERK (1954) * with switchable English su... $13.99 DIE UNBEKANNTE (The Unknown) (1936) * with swi... $13.99 EIN ENGEL AUF ERDEN (1959) * with switchable... $13.99 DIE WUNDERBARE LÜGE DER NINA PETROVNA (The Wond... $13.99 KATJA, DIE UNGEKRÖNTE KAISERIN (1959) * with... $13.99 THIS SPECIAL FRIENDSHIP (Les amitiés particuliè... $13.99 THE LEGIONS OF CLEOPATRA (1959) * with Englis... $13.99 DIE HALBZARTE (1958) $10.49 GROSSSTADTMELODIE (1943) $9.99 CAPRICCIO (1938) * with switchable English su... $13.99 NIEMANDSLAND (1931) $9.99 STRADIVARI (1935) $9.99 DIE GRÄFIN VON MONTE CHRISTO (The Countess of M... $13.99 DER FUCHS VON PARIS (The Fox of Paris) (1957)... $13.99 ANIKI BOBO (1942) * with switchable English a... $13.99 NATHAN DER WEISE (1922) * with switchable Eng... $13.99 DIE FEUERZANGENBOWLE (The Punch Bowl) (1944) *... From $13.99 LIEBE, TOD UND TEUFEL (1934) $9.99 LADY WINDERMERES FÄCHER (Lady Windermere's Fan)... $14.29 EINE NACHT IM MAI (A Night in May) (1938) * w... $13.99 FRIEDRICH SCHILLER - DER TRIUMPH EINES GENIES... $9.99 KRIEGSGERICHT (1959) $9.99 DAS BLAUE LICHT (The Blue Light) (1932) * with... $13.99 < > Product tags the girl and the legend (2) , robinson shouldn't die (1) , The Legend of Robinson Crusoe (1)