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Artikelnummer 505

JAKKO (1941)

Martin Affelt, Franz Berghaus and Günther Clemm, Fritz Peter Buch

Filmed in Danzig (Gdansk) during the early war years, Jakko is the story of a troubled youth, apprenticed to a traveling circus, who eventually finds comradeship, acceptance and the "correct" path to life in the HJ-Marine.  It is an idealized picture of a youth, which never really existed in Nazi Germany, but was the example of what youth were supposed to be like and what the regime desired.  Of course, such intense male bonding, in which there was almost no mention of, or room for, women, was borderline homoerotic in its quest for the superior, male society, which was to serve as the goal to strive for among European youth in a postwar, German-victorious world. 

DVD-R is in German with no subtitles. Approx. 77 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality!

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