SKU 1952

GELD INS HAUS (Der Millionär) (1945)

Robert A. Stemmle, Hans Moser, Annie Rosar and Hans Holt
Leopold Habernal is a simple letter carried with a good heart.  From out of nowhere, he comes upon a load of cash:  a former lover has left him her entire estate!  Habernal wants to keep it all a secret, but at a celebration for his 25th anniversary at work, it all comes out in the open.  From a staid postman, he turns into the most popular guy overnight:  first, his landlady makes the moves on him; then Anni Schober woos him quite openly, whereby the barber Fuhringer, who is horribly in love with Anni, becomes pissed as all Hell at Habernal. 
Leopold Habernal ist ein kleiner Briefträger mit dem Herzen am rechten Fleck. Aus heiterem Himmel kommt er zu Geld: eine ehemalige Geliebte hat ihm ihr Vermögen hinterlassen. Habernal will alles geheim halten, bei einer Feier zu seinem fünfundzwanzigjährigen Berufsjubiläum kommt aber alles an den Tag. Aus dem biederen Briefträger wird über Nacht ein begehrter Mann: zunächst macht ihm seine Hauswirtin Avancen, dann umwirbt ihn Anni Schober unverhohlen, worauf der Friseur Führinger, der unsterblich in Anni verliebt ist, auf seinen alten Freund Habernal böse wird.


THERE IS A NEWSREEL ALONG WITH THE FILM, JUST AS GERMAN AUDIENCES MIGHT HAVE SEEN WHEN THE MOVIE WAS FIRST SHOWN (except this newsreel may not be contemporary to when the film was released).

DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH NO SUBTITLES (except for the Newsreel).

QUALITY (of feature film only): 


·        Sharpness of picture?  - very good picture quality








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