SKU 2680 Availability ICH DENKE OFT AN PIROSCHKA (1955) Kurt Hoffmann Writers: Hugo Hartung (screenplay), Per Schwenzen (screenplay), 2 more credits » Stars: Liselotte Pulver, Gunnar Möller, Wera Frydtberg Be the first to review this product $11.49 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews In einer langen Rückblende erinnert sich der Schriftsteller Andreas an seine große Jugendliebe. Als Austauschstudent reiste er damals mit dem Schiff nach Budapest, wo er sich in Greta, eine junge Sekretärin, verliebte. Da Andreas aber am nächsten Tag weiter in die Puszta musste, versprachen beide, sich dort wiederzusehen. An seinem Bestimmungsort angekommen, lernte er alsbald Piroschka, die reizende und temperamentvolle 17-jährige Tochter des örtlichen Stationsvorstehers kennen – und es war Liebe auf den ersten Blick. In a long flashback, the author Andreas remembers the great love of his youth. He had travelled then as an exchange student to Budapest by ship, where he fell in love with a young secretary named Greta. Since Andreas was supposed to continue his journey onward to the Puszta the next day, the two promised to see one another again in the future. Arriving at his destination in eastern Hungary, he got to know Piroschka, the attractive and spirited 17 year old daughter of the local stationmaster. It was love at first sight and no one bothered to ask why a secretary in Budapest would have a German name, or why the subject of an underage love affair in eastern Hungary would have a Slavic one. For that matter, why is she named after a baked dumpling? DVD-R IS IN GERMAN WITH NO SUBTITLES LENGTH OF FEATURE FILM: 93 mins Be the first to review this product Related products FERIEN MIT PIROSCHKA (1965) $9.99 MEINES VATERS PFERDE – PART II: SEINE DRITTE F... $11.49 MEINES VATERS PFERDE – PART I: LENA AND NICOLI... $11.49 THE CAPTIVE HEART (1946) $10.99 SPUK IM SCHLOß (1945, 1947) $10.99 ACTION IN ARABIA (1944) $10.99 SEIN BESTER FREUND (1937) $12.99 SCHLUSSAKKORD (The Final Chord) (1936) IMPROVED... $13.99 SCHATTEN DER VERGANGENHEIT (1936) $10.99 SCHABERNACK (1936) $9.99 DIE LINDENWIRTIN VOM DONAUSTRAND (1957) $11.69 DIE LUSTIGE WITWE (1962) $9.99 GRUß UND KUß VOM TEGERNSEE (1957) $9.99 HEISSER SOMMER (1968) $9.99 KAISERBALL (1956) $9.99 LOLA MONTES (1955) * with switchable English... $13.99 MUSIKPARADE (1956) $9.99 ROTER MOHN (1956) $5.00 SCHWARZWALDMELODIE (1956) $9.99 DIE WINZERIN VON LANGENLOIS (1957) $9.99 AM SONNTAG WILL MEIN SÜßER MIT MIR SEGELN GEH‘N... $9.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought DU MEIN STILLES TAL (Schweigepflicht) (1955) *... $13.99 WWII GERMANY IN COLOR (PART II) $9.99 EVERYDAY LIFE IN WWII GERMANY $9.99 KARL MAY: DER SCHUT (The Yellow One) (1964) *... $9.99 ES WAREN ZWEI JUNGGESELLEN (Die grosse Adele) (... $10.49 DIE LANDARZTIN VOM TEGERNSEE (1958) $11.69 TANTE GUSTI KOMMANDIERT (Husarenliebe) (1932) $9.99 WENN WIR ALLE ENGEL WÄREN (1936) $9.99 SCHNEIDER WIBBEL (1939) * improved picture qu... $10.99 SAG‘ DIE WAHRHEIT (1946) $10.99 AN DER SCHÖNEN BLAUEN DONAU (1955) $9.99 AUF DER REEPERBAHN NACHTS UM HALB EINS (1954) $9.99 KARL MAY: DURCHS WILDE KURDISTAN (Wild Kurdist... $13.99 TANZ AUF DEM VULKAN (1938) $11.29 WWII GERMANY IN COLOR (PART III) $9.99 WAS WIRD HIER GESPIELT (1940) * with improved... $10.99 3 DVD SET: THE WAR ENDS IN GERMANY - AACHEN, B... $25.99 STORM OVER ASIA (1928) * with English interti... $13.99 THE MURDERERS ARE AMONG US (1946) (Die Mörder... $13.99 SEHNSUCHT 202 (1932) $10.49 DER BRAVE SÜNDER (The Upright Sinner) (1931) *... $13.99 EVERYDAY LIFE IN WWII GERMANY III $9.99 KRIMINALREPORTER HOLM (1932) $11.99 WWII GERMANY IN COLOR + MÄNNER IM HINTERGRUND... $9.99 GERMAN PANORAMA # 09: 1937-44 $8.99 < >