The 20 year old musician Peter not only goes to school, but also works in a firm belonging to Herr Steiner. When Steiner hires Peter to play at a private party, Peter thinks this might be the big break he's been waiting for. Exactly one day before the party, Peter's widowed mother gets to know charming Bernd Werding. In an attempt to impress him, mommy lies about her age to the new boyfriend and gets herself into hot water, when Werding visits her house where a 20 year old child would be an impossibility for a mother now posing as being "21+". Nevertheless, Peter doesn't want to ruin mom's delusions of youth and so dresses up as her 14 year old son --- a fiasco that wouldn't fool even a blind pedophile, let alone the suitor --- and both are now set to win the prize for the "oldest-looking, youngest mother and son". If all this weren't enough, Peter's got the hots for his boss' daughter Kitty, who frowns on getting serious with horny teenagers. In the end, everything works out for the best and only the audience ends up the dupe for buying any of this.
Der 20-jährige Musiker Peter jobbt neben seinem Studium im Unternehmen von Generaldirektor Steiner. Als dieser ihn für einen Auftritt bei seiner Privatfeier engagiert, sieht Peter seine große Chance gekommen. Ausgerechnet einen Tag vor dem Fest lernt seine verwitwete Mutter Sylvia den charmanten Bernd Werding kennen. Um ihn zu beeindrucken, schwindelt sie bezüglich ihres Alters und kommt darauf in Schwierigkeiten, als Werding sie zu Hause besucht. Um seine Mutter nicht bloßzustellen, verkleidet sich Peter als 14-jähriger Junge, was bald zu Komplikationen führt, besonders, als Peter sich in Steiners reizende Tochter Kitty verliebt.
DVD-R is in German with no subtitles. Approx. 94 mins. See film sample for film quality!
REGION FREE (will play in any DVD player)