Artikelnummer 5752 Verfügbarkeit VOYAGE WITHOUT HOPE (1943) * with switchable English and Spanish subtitles * Christian-Jaque (adaptation), Pierre Dumarchais (screenplay) (as Pierre MacOrlan) | 4 more credits » Stars: Simone Renant, Jean Marais, Paul Bernard Geben Sie eine Produktbewertung ab. $13.99 Menge: In den Warenkorb Weitersagen Fragen zum Artikel? Zur Wunschliste hinzufügen DetailsVorliegende Bewertungen Pierre Gohelle is a hardened criminal on the run from the police who plans to escape to another country with the help of his mistress, Marie-Ange. On the way to the seaport, he runs into a young banker, Alain Ginestier, who boasts that he is heading off to South America with 300 thousand Francs in his wallet. It so happens that Gohelle is in great need of money. With the police roaming the harbor, he will need quite a few banknotes to bribe the crew of the cargo vessel he intends to escape in.To that end, he enlists Marie-Ange's in divesting Ginestier of his well-endowed wallet. The banker is easily seduced by the hoodlum's fascinating mistress, but the latter has a change of heart and refuses to go ahead with the theft. Gohelle vient de s'évader de prison et arrive à gagner un port où un cargo doit le mener au loin. Le capitaine l'avertit que son équipage exige en échange la forte somme. Gohelle demande alors à sa maîtresse Marie-Ange de circonvenir Alain, jeune homme d'apparence fortunée, rencontré dans le train. La franchise, la fraîcheur d'Alain séduisent Marie-Ange, affreusement déçue d'apprendre ensuite que le garçon a volé l'argent qu'il possède. Elle le convainc de restituer son vol et veut quitter la France avec lui. Gohelle devine ses projets et après avoir liquidé le capitaine du cargo, abat la jeune femme sur le quai de la gare et tombe entre les mains des policiers. DVD-r is in French with switchable English and Spanish subtitles. Approx. 85 mins. See film sample for audio and video quality! Geben Sie eine Produktbewertung ab. Ähnliche Produkte ESPOIR (1945) * with switchable English subtit... $13.99 FORCES OCCULTES - THE TRUTH BEHIND FREEMASONRY... $13.99 LA MAIN DU DIABLE (1943) / WITCHES HAMMER (... $13.99 LE CIEL EST A VOUS (The Woman Who Dared) (1944)... $13.99 LE CORBEAU (1943) + TOUCHEZ PAS AU GRISBI (1954) $9.99 LE DERNIER DES SIX (The Last One of the Six)... $13.99 LE LOUP DES MALVENEUR (The Wolf of the Malveneu... $13.99 LE ROMAN DE RENARD (The Tale of the Fox) (1941... $13.99 LES VISITEURS DU SOIR (The Devil's Envoys) (194... $13.99 LOVE ETERNAL (The Eternal Return) (L'Éternel re... $13.99 < > Benutzer, die diesen Artikel gekauft haben, haben auch gekauft STRANGERS IN THE HOUSE (Les Inconnus dans la ma... $13.99 THE WATER GIPSIES (1932) & THE GAY DIPLOMAT... $14.99 LEBENSZEICHEN (Signs of Life) (1968) * with sw... $13.99 LONDON BY NIGHT (1937) $13.99 MUMMY'S BOYS (1936) $13.99 JEWISH LUCK (1925) * with hard-encoded Englis... $13.99 IL CAVALIERE MISTERIOSO (The Mysterious Rider)... $13.99 ABDUL THE DAMNED (1935) $13.99 LES PORTES DE LA NUIT (Gates of the Night) (194... $13.99 LE PETIT SOLDAT (The Little Soldier) (1963) *... $13.99 LE SALAIRE DE LA PEUR (The Wages of Fear) (195... $13.99 DEMANTY NOCI (Diamonds of the Night) (1964) +... $13.99 SUMKA DIPKURYERA (The Diplomatic Pouch) (1927)... $13.99 SIE NANNTEN IHN AMIGO (1959) $11.49 MAZURKA (1935) * with switchable English subt... $13.99 A BRIVELE DER MAMEN (A LETTER TO MAMA) (1938)... $16.99 THE JOLLY FELLOWS (Vesyoloye Rebyata) (1934)... $13.99 ICH WAR JACK MORTIMER (1935) * with switchabl... $13.99 ROME, OPEN CITY (1945) * with hard-encoded Eng... $10.99 SCAMPOLO, EIN KIND DER STRASSE (Um einen Grosch... $9.99 COUP DE GRACE (1976) *with switchable English... $13.99 SPIONE AM WERK (1933) $9.99 HUT TWO WENT THE SOLDIERS (1977) + BEZHIN LUG... $13.99 2 DVD SET: THE PRIVATE FILMS OF EVA BRAUN (19... $29.99 FAHRMANN MARIA (1936) * with switchable Engli... $13.99 < > Tags reise ohne hoffnung (1) , voyage sans espoir (1) , viaje sin esperanza (1)