SKU 4706 Availability KIRMES (1960) * with or without switchable English subtitles * Claus Hubalek (story), Wolfgang Staudte Stars: Juliette Mayniel, Götz George, Hans Mahnke Be the first to review this product With or without subtitles In German WITHOUT subtitles In German WITH switchable English subtitles [+$4.00] $11.29 Qty: Add to cart Email a friend Question about product? Add to wishlist DetailsExisting reviews Wolfgang Staudte's work tells the sad story of a soldier at the end of the Second World War. During the construction of a carousel for a fair in 1959, a performer discovers a skeleton. It turns out to be the remains of the soldier Robert Mertens. Shortly before the end of the Second World War, he deserted and fled to his home village in the Eifel. But no one in his hometown had the courage to help him, not even his own family. In “Kirmes” erzählt Wolfgang Staudte erzählt die traurige Geschichte eines Soldaten am Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Beim Aufbau eines Karussells für eine Kirmes entdeckt ein Schausteller im Jahr 1959 ein Skelett eines menschen. Es stellt sich heraus, daß es sich um das Skelett des Soldaten Robert Mertens handelt. Er war kurz vor dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges desertiert und in sein Heimatdorf in der Eifel geflohen. Hier hatte aber niemand der Mut, ihm zu helfen – noch nicht einmal seine eigene Familie. DVD-R is available either in German with no subtitles or in German with switchable English subtitles. Approx. 96 mins. See film sample for quality! Be the first to review this product Related products 1914 - DIE LETZTEN TAGE VOR DEM WELTBRAND (193... $11.29 2 DVD SET: MEN AND BEASTS (1962) * with swit... $19.99 2 DVD SET: SO WEIT DIE FÜSSE TRAGEN (1959) $16.99 3 DVD SET: AM GRÜNEN STRAND DER SPREE (1960) $29.99 3 DVD SET: 08/15 (1954/55) *with or withou... From $19.99 A TIME TO LOVE AND A TIME TO DIE (1958) * wit... $12.49 COUP DE GRACE (1976) *with switchable English... $13.99 DAS LIED DER MATROSEN (1958) * with switchabl... $13.99 DER ARZT VON STALINGRAD (1958) (The Doctor of S... $13.99 DER FALL GLEIWITZ (The Gleiwitz Case) (1961) *... $13.99 ANGELIQUE UND DER KÖNIG (Angelique and the King... $13.99 ANGELIQUE UND DER SULTAN (1968) * with switch... $13.99 LA LIGNE DE DEMARCATION (1966) * with switcha... $13.99 LE PETIT SOLDAT (The Little Soldier) (1963) *... $13.99 ME FAIRE CA A MOI (It Means That Much to Me)... $9.99 PARIS NOUS APPARTIENT (Paris Belongs to Us) (19... $13.99 PROCES DE JEANNE D'ARC (1962) * with hard-enc... $13.99 SHEHERAZADE (1963) * with switchable English... $13.99 THE ENCLOSURE (L ENCLOS) (1961) * with switc... $13.99 THOMAS L'IMPOSTEUR (1965) * with switchable E... $13.99 AN HEILIGEN WASSERN (Sacred Waters) (1960) * w... $9.99 DAS ERBE VON BJÖRNDAL (The Inheritance of Bjorn... $9.99 DIE JUNGE SÜNDERIN (1960) $11.99 MEIN SCHULFREUND (1960) $10.99 SCHACHNOVELLE (1960) * with switchable Englis... $14.99 WEIT IST DER WEG (1960) $9.99 < > Customers who bought this item also bought HIMMEL OHNE STERNE (Sky Without Stars) (1956)... $9.99 DER MANN, DEM MAN DEN NAMEN STAHL (1944) $7.99 LES PORTES DE LA NUIT (Gates of the Night) (194... $13.99 AUFERSTEHUNG (1958) $9.99 ARME KLEINE INGE (1936) $9.99 KLEINER MANN - GANZ GROSS (1957) $9.99 THE PHANTOM WAGON (La charrette fantôme) (1939)... $13.99 DIE LETZTE BRÜCKE (The Last Bridge) (1954) * w... $9.99 ARM WIE EINE KIRCHENMAUS (Poor as a Church Mous... $13.99 DAS GEWEHR ÜBER (1939) $10.99 GOLGOTHA (1935) * with switchable English subti... $14.99 IRGENDWO IN BERLIN (Somewhere in Berlin) (1946)... $13.99 STRAFBATAILLON 999 (Punishment Battalion) (1960... From $9.99 JUD SÜß (1940) * with switchable English subt... $17.99 DIE BRÜCKE (The Bridge) (1959) * with switchab... $9.99 DER FALL GLEIWITZ (The Gleiwitz Case) (1961) *... $13.99 IHR GROSSTER ERFOLG (1934) $10.99 DIE TAUSEND AUGEN DES DR. MABUSE (The Thousand... $13.99 MEIN SOHN DER HERR MINISTER (1937) $9.99 LIEBE IST ZOLLFREI (1941) $9.99 BRUDEFERDEN I HARDANGER (1926) + THE PHANTOM C... $13.99 FATHER OF A SOLDIER (1964) + ENTHUSIASM: DONBA... $14.99 THE ROAD TO LIFE (1931) *with switchable Engl... $13.99 MÄDCHEN IN UNIFORM (Girls in Uniform) (1931)... $13.99 DAS HOFKONZERT (The Court Concert) (1936) *imp... $14.99 < >