Peter Alexander Karl Munk, Musiker Hannelore Bollmann Brigitte Mansfeld, Telefonistin Peter Pasetti Manfred Böttcher, Ingenieur Doris Kirchner Anja Polsterer Rudolf Platte Gerhard Rohne, Vertreter Hans Moser Gustl Kränzlein, Tanksstellenbesitzer Oskar Sima Otto Polsterer, Großkaufmann Paula Braend Martha Kränzler, Ehegattin Ilse Peternell Marianne, Kranzeljungfrau Raoul Retzer Karl Eidlitz Hotelgeschäftsführer

Artikelnummer: 4269



Maria Sebaldt Edith Gutsche Uwe Friedrichsen Student Jochen Brigitte Grothum Lore Paul Hörbiger Fürst Ludwig Grethe Weiser Else Lemke Friedrich Schütter Michael Heltau Prinz Eduard Carla Hagen Carla Mühlberger Peer Schmidt Baron Nassen

Artikelnummer: 4123

ab $9.99

EIN STERN FÄLLT VOM HIMMEL (1961) * with or without switchable English subtitles *

Ina Bauer ... Helga Held Toni Sailer Toni Sailer ... Heinz Normann Gunther Philipp Gunther Philipp ... Willie Bartels Susi Nicoletti Susi Nicoletti ... Katie Held Ruth Stephan Ruth Stephan ... Helga Held 11 Rolf Olsen Rolf Olsen ... Arnold Klappe Oskar Sima Oskar Sima ... Mnr. Markus Hans Olden Hans Olden ... Oom Eghardt Hubert von Meyerinck Hubert von Meyerinck ... Adv. Diffenthal Walter Varndal Walter Varndal ... Mannetjie Sieglinde Thomas Sieglinde Thomas ... Barbara Lang Edith Peters Edith Peters ... Fräulein Pfeffer Lucien Meyer Lucien Meyer ... Herr Meyer Heribert Meisel Heribert Meisel ... Rundfunkreporter Raoul Retzer Raoul Retzer ... Fernand

Artikelnummer: 5913

ab $9.99


Luisa Ferida: Carmela Amedeo Nazzari: Salvatore, detto il Nero Osvaldo Valenti: Domenico Caramandola Teresa Franchini: zia Agata Pina Piovani: Nunziata Margherita Bossi Nicosia: Concetta Guido Celano: solfataro Carlo Dessy: solfataro Fiorella Betti: Erminia Gildo Bocci: mercante Roberto Pasetti: padrone del caffè Trinacria Pietro Bigerna: maresciallo dei carabinieri Piero Palermini: cliente del caffè Trinacria Renata Drago: ragazza del paese Isa Mari: ragazza del paese Luigi Urbinati: uomo col grammofono Renato Navarrini: medico Achille Togliani

Artikelnummer: 3691



Paul May Director and Producer Photo of Werner Eplinius Werner Eplinius Screenplay Photo of Anton Walbrook Anton Walbrook Cast Photo of Willy Fritsch Willy Fritsch Cast Photo of Annelies Reinhold Annelies Reinhold Cast Photo of Margarete Slezak Margarete Slezak Cast

Artikelnummer: 4562


DER KOMODIANT VON WIEN (Wiener Herzen) (1954)

Karl Paryla: Alexander Girardi Christl Mardayn: Josefine Gallmeyer Angelika Hauff: Helene Odilon Marianne Schönauer: Marie Geistinger Alma Seidler: Alexander Girardis Mutter Vilma Degischer: Katharina Schratt Grete Zimmer: Gräfin Stürgheim Alfred Neugebauer: Graf Stürgheim Otto Wögerer: Baron Schildkorn Eduard Strauss junior: Johann Strauss Sohn Wolfgang Heinz: Franz von Suppè Oskar Wegrostek: Felix Schweighofer Friedrich Neubauer: Rotter Kurt Preger: Friese

Artikelnummer: 4707


DIE BRÜCKE (The Bridge) (2008) * with switchable English subtitles *

François Goeske ... Albert Mutz Franka Potente Franka Potente ... Elfie Bauer Lars Steinhöfel Lars Steinhöfel ... Walter Forst Robert Höller Robert Höller ... Klaus Schröder Florian Heppert Florian Heppert ... Siegi Lindner Daniel Axt Daniel Axt ... Juergen Neuhaus Toni Deutsch Toni Deutsch ... Karl Baermann Alexander Becht Alexander Becht ... Ernst Scholten Paula Schramm Paula Schramm ... Paula Fink Michael Lott Michael Lott ... Standartenführer Forst Christoph Hofrichter Christoph Hofrichter ... Herr Wenninger Roman Jankovic Roman Jankovic ... American soldier Heinrich Giskes Heinrich Giskes Hedi Kriegeskotte Hedi Kriegeskotte ... Frau Mutz Arvydas Lebeliunas Arvydas Lebeliunas ... Kushner

Artikelnummer: 6057

ab $11.99

Neu ATTACK AND RETREAT (Italiani, brava gente) (1964) * with switchable English subtitles *

Arthur Kennedy as Ferro Maria Ferri Peter Falk as Lieutenant Mario Salvioni Zhanna Prokhorenko as Katya Raffaele Pisu as Libero Gabrielli Tatyana Samojlova as Sonya Andrea Checchi as Colonel Sermonti Riccardo Cucciolla as Giuseppe Sanna Valeri Somov as Giuliani Nino Vingelli as Amalfitano Lev Prygunov as Loris Bazzocchi Grigory Mikhaylov as Russian Partisan (as Grigorij Mikhailov) Erwin Knausmyuller as German colonel Gino Pernice as Collodi Boris Kozhukhov as Major Vincenzo Polizzi as Sicilian

Artikelnummer: 3917


Neu BENGASI (1942) * with hard-encoded English subtitles *

Fosco Giachetti as Captain Enrico Berti Maria De Tasnady as Carla Berti Amedeo Nazzari as Filippo Colleoni Vivi Gioi as Giuliana Guido Notari as Italian podestà in Benghazi Carlo Tamberlani as Giovanni Galassi Leo Garavaglia [es; it] as doctor Malpini Laura Redi [it] as Maria ('Fanny') Fedele Gentile as Antonio Amelia Bissi as Giovanni's mother Giorgio Costantini as General Robertson Guglielmo Sinaz as Tropeoli Carlo Duse as Captain Marchi Pier Giorgio Heliczer as Sandrino Berti

Artikelnummer: 4824



Ivor Novello Alfred Hitchcock Roddy Berwick Robin Irvine Tim Wakely Isabel Jeans Julia Fotheringale Constance Collier Dance Hall Lady with Purse Sybil Rhoda Sybil Wakely Ian Hunter Archie

Artikelnummer: 4578


TWO FILM DVD: SHERLOCK HOLMES (1922) + GESPENSTER IM SCHLOSS (Sherlock Holmes faces Death) (1943) * both with switchable English and/or Spanish subtitles *

John Barrymore Sherlock Holmes William Powell Foreman Wells Roland Young John H. Watson Carol Dempster Alice Faulkner Gustav von Seyffertitz James Moriarty Louis Wolheim Craigin Hedda Hopper Madge Larrabee Robert Schable Alf Bassick Peggy Bayfield Rose Faulkner Basil Rathbone Sherlock Holmes Nigel Bruce John H. Watson Hillary Brooke Sally Musgrave Dennis Hoey Inspector Lestrade Milburn Stone Captain Pat Vickery Halliwell Hobbes Alfred Brunton Mary Gordon Mrs Hudson Gerald Hamer Major Langford Peter Lawford

Artikelnummer: 4596


THE MERCHANT OF VENICE (Der Kaufmann von Venedig) (1923) * IMPROVED QUALITY *

Werner Krauss - Shylock (Mordecai) Henny Porten - Porzia (Beatrice) Harry Liedtke - Bassanio (Giannetto) Carl Ebert - Antonio (Benito)[note 1] Max Schreck - Der Doge von Venedig (Doge of Venice) Ferdinand von Alten - Prinz von Arragon (Prince of Aragon) Albert Steinrück - Tubal (Tubal) Frida Richard - Shylocks Mutter (Wife of Mordecai) Lia Eibenschütz - Jessica (Rachela) Hans Brausewetter - Lanzelot Gobbo (Elias) Jakob Tiedtke - Beppo (Marco)

Artikelnummer: 4328


DER KATZENSTEG (The Catwalk) (1927) * with switchable English and Spanish subtitles *

Lissy Arna as Regine, Hackelbergs Tochter Jack Trevor as Boreslav, Baron von Schrandens Sohn Andreas Behrens-Klausen as Pfarrer Götz Louise Woldera as Helene, seine Tochter Max Maximilian as Hackelberg, Sargtischler Rudolf Lettinger as Merkel, Ortsschulze John Mylong as Felix, sein Sohn Gustav Rodegg as Eberhard, Baron von Schranden Franz Stein as Landrat von Krotkeim Ekkehard Arendt as Engelbert Ernst Behmer Johannes Bergfeldt Käthe Haack Egon Kleyersburg Bertold Reissig

Artikelnummer: 5136



Rudolph Valentino as Lt. Vladimir Dubrovsky Vilma Bánky as Miss Mascha Troekouroff Louise Dresser as The Czarina, Catherine 2nd Albert Conti as Captain Kuschka James A. Marcus as Kyrilla Troekouroff George Nichols as Judge Carrie Clark Ward as Aunt Aurelia Rudolph Valentino as Sheik Ahmed Ben Hassan Agnes Ayres as Lady Diana Mayo Ruth Miller as Zilah, the serving girl George Waggner as Yousaef, a tribal chieftain Frank Butler as Sir Aubrey Mayo, Diana's brother Charles Brinley as Mustapha Ali Lucien Littlefield as Gaston Adolphe Menjou as Raoul de Saint Hubert Walter Long as Omair

Artikelnummer: 4547


Neu JERRY, DER GLUCKSPILZ (Hollywood or Bust) (1956) * with switchable English and French subtitles *

Dean Martin as Steve Wiley Jerry Lewis as Malcolm Smith Pat Crowley as Terry Roberts Maxie Rosenbloom as Bookie Benny Anita Ekberg as herself Richard Alexander as Western actor Adelle August as Dancer Chet Brandenburg as Stagehand Kathryn Card as Elderly lady Franklyn Farnum as Audience member Joe Gray as Gambler Richard Karlan as Sammy Ross Deana Martin as 7-year-old girl Torben Meyer as Waiter Wendell Niles as himself Suzanne Ridgway as Woman at craps table Charles Sullivan as Audience member Willard Waterman as Manager Neville Ben Welden as Boss Frank Wilcox as Director Chief Yowlachie as Chief Running Water

Artikelnummer: 220



Yakov Protazanov, Yuliya Solntseva, Igor Ilyinsky and Nikolai Tsereteli Charles Hawtrey as Horace Parker E. Holman Clark as Ramiel Chrissie Bell as Minnie Templer Frank Hector as Arthur Dicey Hubert Willis as a tramp Kate Tyndale as Aunt Martha Evelyn Beaumont as Bella Eileen Temple as Mrs. Claremce R. Crompton as the God of Mars B. Stanmore as the wounded man Tonie Reith as the wounded man’s wife

Artikelnummer: 488


TWO FILM DVD: NOSFERATU (1922) (Colorized) + VIY (1967) * with dual audio and switchable English subtitles *

F.W. Murnau, Max Schreck, Greta Schröder and Ruth Landshoff Aleksandr Chargonin; Aleksandr Kheruvimov; Dora Tschitorina; Viktor Petipa; Elsa Krueger; Leonid Kuravlyov; Natalya Varley; Aleksey Glazyrin; Nikolay Kutuzov; Vadim Zakharchenko; Pyotr Vesklyarov; Vladimir Salnikov; Dmitriy Kapka; Stepan Shkurat; Georgiy Sochevko; Nikolay Yakovchenko; Nikolay Panasev

Artikelnummer: 5607


Neu ANDREAS HOFER - DIE FREIHEIT DES ADLERS (2002) * with switchable English and German subtitles *

Tobias Moretti: Andreas Hofer Ottfried Fischer: Maximilian I. Joseph von Bayern Martina Gedeck: Lebzelter-Mariandl Julia Stemberger: Anna Hofer Franz Xaver Kroetz: Pater Joachim Haspinger Heio von Stetten: Oberst Wrede Gregor Bloéb: Franz Raffl Toni Böhm: Bürgermeister Kasimir Schuhmacher Christian Futterknecht: Kaiser Franz I. Günther Maria Halmer: General Kinkel Dorothee Hartinger: Lisa Schumacher Max von Thun: Kronprinz Ludwig Karl Markovics: Erzherzog Karl Frank Hoffmann: Feldmarschalleutnant Chasteler Gustav Peter Wöhler: Napoleon I. Mathias Gnädinger: Marschall François-Joseph Lefebvre Fini Bloéb, Moidele, Hofertochter

Artikelnummer: 5544


Neu ODESSA IN FLAMES (Odessa in Fiamme) (1942) * with switchable English subtitles *

Maria Cebotari as Maria Teodorescu Carlo Ninchi as Il capitano Sergio Teodorescu Filippo Scelzo as Michele Smirnoff Olga Solbelli as Luba Rubi D'Alma as Florica, l'amante di Michele George Timica as Giovanni Alexis Silvia Dumitrescu-Timica as Anna, la moglie di Giovanni Mircea Axente as Pietro Maurizio Romitelli as Nico Paolo Ferrari as Paolo Gilda Marchiò as Ila Giuseppe Varni as Lo scrivone Checco Rissone as Gruscenko Adele Garavaglia as La nonna del bambino malato Bella Starace Sainati as La vecchietta

Artikelnummer: 3574



Lillian Gish as Lucy Burrows Richard Barthelmess as Cheng Huan Donald Crisp as Battling Burrows Arthur Howard as Burrows' manager Edward Peil Sr. as Evil Eye George Beranger as The Spying One Norman Selby (aka Kid McCoy) as A prizefighter Pauline Starke Marcène Elliot Mary Alden Zabie Elliot Lew Cody Darrell Thorne Nina Byron Marcène's Sister Peaches Jackson Marcène's Child Peaches Johnson Peaches Jackson

Artikelnummer: 4564



Nell Shipman as Dolores LeBeau Charles Arling as 'Sealskin' Blake Wheeler Oakman as Peter Burke Wellington A. Playter as Captain Rydal Sam De Grasse as Doctor Robert Armstrong, the husband Francelia Billington as Margaret Armstrong, the wife Erich von Stroheim as Lieutenant Eric Von Steuben Gibson Gowland as Silent Sepp, the mountain guide Fay Holderness as The jealous waitress Ruby Kendrick as A village blossom Valerie Germonprez as The honeymooning bride Jack Perrin as The honeymooning groom Richard Cummings as Dr. Brunner, the village physician Louis Fitzroy as The village priest

Artikelnummer: 4549



Doris Lloyd Fannie St. Clair Norma Talmadge Polly Pearl Walter Long Blackie Brandon Hurst St. Aubyns Emily Fitzroy Madame Blanche Marc McDermott Mr. Wendover Wallace MacDonald Leonard St. Aubyns John Fox Jr. Miles McCarthy Mr. Graves Lillian Gish Mimi John Gilbert Rodolfo Renée Adorée Musette Karl Dane Benoit George Hassell Schaunard Roy D'Arcy Vicomte Paul Edward Everett Horton Colline Frank Currier Theatre Manager Valentina Zimina Phemie

Artikelnummer: 3697


TWO FILM DVD: BLOOD AND SAND (1922) + A WOMAN OF PARIS (1923) * with multiple, switchable subtitles *

Edna Purviance as Marie St. Clair Clarence Geldart as Marie's Father Carl Miller as Jean Millet Lydia Knott as Jean's Mother Charles K. French as Jean's Father Adolphe Menjou as Pierre Revel Betty Morrissey as Fifi Malvina Polo as Paulette Henry Bergman as Head Waiter (uncredited) Charlie Chaplin as Head Porter (uncredited) Rudolph Valentino Juan Gallardo Nita Naldi Doña Sol Lila Lee Carmen Walter Long Plumitas Rosa Rosanova Angustias George Field El Nacional

Artikelnummer: 4575



Beba Lončar Afra Herbert Fux Hahn Peter Weck Comte Ildefons Georg Thomalla Achilles Paul Hörbiger Elias le moite Sieghardt Rupp Georg Heinrich Gretler prêtre Franz Muxeneder Seppele Helmuth Lohner Nikolaus Tschinderle Theo Lingen Max Hans Moser Ferdinand Haushofer Susi Nicoletti Hedy Jaconis Eva Leiter Lizzi Gusti Wolf Mizzi Josef Meinrad Dr. Mario Jaconis Walter Müller Michael Ravestyn Hugo Gottschlich Inspektor Haberzettel Lotte Lang Wetti

Artikelnummer: 3704



George Beban Beppo Donnetti J. Frank Burke Trudo Ancello Clara Williams Annette Ancello Donnetti Fanny Midgley Leo Willis Bill Corrigan Fannie Ward as Edith Hardy Sessue Hayakawa as Hishuru Tori (original release) / Haka Arakau (1918 re-release) Jack Dean as Richard Hardy James Neill as Jones Yutaka Abe as Tori's Valet Dana Ong as District Attorney Hazel Childers as Mrs. Reynolds Arthur H. Williams as Courtroom Judge

Artikelnummer: 4558



Leatrice Joy as Lilith John Bowers as Forrest Lon Chaney as Farallone Hardee Kirkland as Morgridge Edwin N. Wallack as Chemist Raymond Hatton as The Menace Roy Laidlaw as Doorkeeper Allan Simpson Norman Van Pelt Lois Moran Edith Gilbert Louise Dresser Mrs. Alcott Helen Jerome Eddy Belle Galloway Douglas Fairbanks Jr. Sonny Galloway Noah Beery Henry Gilbert Charlotte Bird Blanche Galloway Richard Arlen Tubby' Clark Josephine Crowell Mrs. Galloway

Artikelnummer: 4570



Ruth Roland as Sylvia Smalley Ed Brady as Leroux William Conklin as Charles Edmay Makoto Inokuchi as Togo Mary MacLaren – Eva Mayer Harry Griffith – Eva's father Mattie Witting – Eva's mother (credited as Mrs. A. E. Witting) Jessie Arnold – Lil, co-worker at store William V. Mong – "Cabaret" Charlie Lina Basquette – Eva's sister

Artikelnummer: 4585



Douglas Fairbanks D'Artagnan Belle Bennett Anne of Austria Dorothy Revier Milady de Winter Marguerite De La Motte Constance de Bonacieux Vera Lewis Madame Peronne Gordon Thorpe Young Prince Rolfe Sedan Rin Tin Tin as Lobo Nanette as Lobo's Mate Charles Farrell as Dave Weston June Marlowe as May Barstowe Heinie Conklin as Alkali Bill Will Walling as Sam Barstowe Pat Hartigan as William 'Borax' Horton

Artikelnummer: 4568




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